NEWSLETTER Number Two May 1993
New Academy
Honorary Members
Future Newsletters
News From The Groups
Future Meetings
Message from the President.
Europe is a continent of many parts each with its own history, interests and ideals. As with so many aspects of European life Paediatric Dentistry can be, in various countries, strong, weak or non-existant. In some countries where the speciality has a long history of caring for children there are programs of training leading to a diploma, degree or certificate enabling the holder to practice as a dental specialist for children. However, even where training programs do exist the philosophy of training may vary. Thus in some countries programs are academically based requiring extensive periods of formal study. In others the courses are research based and yet others take the form of a protracted period of a clinical apprenticeship. Such variations are to be expected but make the reciprocity of qualifcations difficult.
With the development of the European Community the dentists of Europe will need some degree of reciprocity and recognition of training in the various specialities. There can never be, nor should there be, a common standardised training program throughout Europe. Yet some degree of common purpose and uniformity is now needed.
For this reason a committee of the EAPD is looking at the existing programs in Europe with a plan to draw on guidelines for the future development of Paediatric Dentistry in Europe. These guidelines will aim to indicate which subject areas should be included in programs for the future. They will help to serve as a basis for the content of new programs.
The Education committee is seeking opinions from EAPD members over the next few months as to views in the content and length of programs. All those wishing to provide information, either in existing program content, or what is felt to be the ideal for the future should put their views in writing to the Chairman of the Education Committee, Luc Martens. The deadline for material to be considered is August 1 st.
On behalf of the Education Committee I would encourage all members to express their views so that as the guidelines are developed the broadest possible spectrum of opinions can be considered.
Martin Curzon
New Academy
A new " Australasian Academy of Pediatric Dentisty " has been formed to include Paediatric Dentists from Australia and New Zealand. Membership of the Academy will be limited to those registered with their state (or country) dental boards as specialists in Pediatric Dentistry and with their practices limited to the speciality. A categoy will also exist for graduate students in programs of training in Pediatric Dentisty. There are 25 members of the Australasian Academy and they plan to hold their first Congress in May 1993, in Perth (Western Australia) There will be a scientific session as well as the inaugural meeting of members. The first committee cornprises:
President - Roger Hall
Secretary - Louise Messer
Treasurer - Margarita Silva
The address for correspondance is:
c/o Dept of Dentistry, Royal Children's Hospital,
Flemington Road, Parkville 3052, Australia.
The membership continues to grow and applications arrive each month. We have over one hundred and forty members, with more pending approval. Paediatric dentists who have applied for membership since January of this year will have their applications considered by the Credentials Committee at its next meeting in June. Application forms for membership are now available from Counsellors or the Secretary.
Honorary Members
Two distinguished senior members of the speciality have graciously agreed to become Cinirary members of the Academy.
Professor Gunnar Rolla of the University of Oslo, (Norway) has been active in teaching and research in paediatric dentistry. He is specifically known for his research in the prevention of dental caries.
Professor Gerry Winter, of the Eastman Dental Hospital, London, (England), is well known for his research in oral pathology in children and postgraduate training in Paediatric Dentistry.
Subscriptions are due from those members who have not yet paid for 1993. The subscription rate is 50 ECU for Active members and 25 ECU for Associate members. Subscriptions are payable either to the Treasurer direct or to the member's Counsellor. Members in the United Kingdon and Ireland should pay directly to the Treasurer in either ECU or its equivalent in Sterling.
Membership subscriptions cover one calender year and are renewable in January of each year. Subscriptions cover the membership activities of the Academy and reewsletters for each year. Membership also allows preferential rates of registration at the Congresses of the Academy.
Future Newsletters
The EAPD newsletter is issued four times a year with items of interest to members of the Academy. Items of interest to members, announcements of meetings or details of training programs and postgraduate courses are all welcome. Any such material should be sent to Martin Curzon, at the address on the bottom of this page. There is no offecial Editor although if anybody wished to take over the task they would be very welcome! The next issue will be sent in August 1993 and therefore we would like to receive publication items by July l5th at the latest.
Address for conespondence:
Depamnent of Paediatric Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute, Clarendon Way,
Leeds, England, LS2 9LU. Tel: (0)532-336137 Fax (0)532-336140
News From The Groups
Irish Group
Paediatric Dentistc in Ireland started in 1967 with the return of Liam Convey from the USA to an appointment at the Dental School in Dublin. The teaching of Paediatric Dentistc started therefore at the academic level. Soon after, in 1969, Martin Walsh, who had also trained in the USA (Indiana) returned to Ireland to start a private specialist practice, also in Dublin. Since then others have joined the group of Irish Paediatric Dentists, some trained in the USA and others in the UK.
There are two groups of academic members. The unit at the Dental School in Dublin is headed by Liam Convey with Paddy Fleming and at the University of Cork headed by Dennis O'Mullane with Tim Holland. In recent years there has been a growing number of specialist practitioners in private practice. The first hospital Consultant is shortly to be appointed.
Recognition of the speciality in Ireland at the governmental level remains unclear. While a number of specalists exist in private dentai practice, official recognition has still to be obtained. There is now within the hospital (Consultant) service an understanding that specialists are required.
The Irish Paedodontic Society (now the Irish Society of Dentistry for Children) was founded in 1972. The Society presently has a paid on membership of approximately 95. Each year since its foundation the Society has successfully organized a program of lectures and courses in childrens' dentistry at various venues throughout Ireland.
Paediatric Dentstry in Ireland continues to remain healthy and to grow. Although the advent of water fluoridation, in 1964, has meant a welcome and significant reduction in dental caries in Irish children, there are still many needing specialist care. In addition, as elsewhere in Europe, the needs of the disadvantaged and handicapped children continue to require the expertise of specialists in Paediatric Dentistry.
Belgium Group
Until the present time recognition of the speciality of Paediatric Dentistry in Belgium has not even reached the point of discussion. Indeed Orthodontics was not recognized as a speciality before 1992. There is a real need for European guidelines to support the need for specialist Paediatric Dentists throughout Europe.
At one time there was a Belgian Circle of Pedodontics (BCP). However because of the well known community problems within Belgium the Royal Society of Dentistry dissolved and divided into two groups. With this dissolution Pedodontics was similarly affected and the last meeting, a Symposium on Trauma, was held by the BCP in 1981.
Two separate dental societies now exist - The Flemish Society of Dentists (Flanders) and the Societe Francophone Dentaire (Wallonne). Within each society are various working groups, including Pedodontics. The most important of these are the Flemish group on Dentistry for Oral Health and the Flemish Dentistry for the Handicapped.
Postgraduate training is organized locally at the University level. From the recent survey it became clear that three departments of Paediatric Dentistry offer certificates of training in the sepciality. These are:
Gent - Prof. Martens
Leuven - Prof. Vynckier
Woluwe - Prof. Demars.
Following the initial assessment of postgraduate programs, presented at the 1st EAPD Congress, the program at Gent is the most structured. It comprises a four year part time (50%) course of about 2800 hours of instruction. About half of the program is clinical work and the other half of the course is literature reading and review, didactic instruction and research. Despite local efforts there is no dialogue between the three departments. However efforts continue to find a common ground. It is our wish that in due course a Belgian Society of Paediatric Dentistry should be founded.
Future Meetings
1994 July 10-12, Athens, Greece
1996 Spring, Gent, Belgium
1998 Spring, Barcelona, Spain
1993 May 27-June 1, Kansas City, MO
1994 May 26-31, Orlando, FL
1993 Oct 14-17 Chicago, IL, USA
1995 June 9-11 Goteborg, Sweden
Nordic Pedodontic Society
1993 Reykavik, Iceland
British Society for
Paediatric Dentistry
1993 Sept 11-12, Cambridge, England
1994 April 15-16, Antrim, N Ireland
1994 Sept 16-17, York, England
World Congress on
Preventive Dentistry
1993 Sept 3-6 Umea, Sweden
4th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry
September 3rd to 5th, Idun Congress Center, Umea, Sweden.
Under the auspices of WHO and IADR. This congress will encourage discussions in the conditions for application of disease preventive programs. What trends in prevention can we profit from? Scientific abstracts are invited for oral or poster presentations in problems related to the prevention of oral disease. Details are available from:
WCPD '93
Dept of Pedodontics, niversity of Umea S-
90187 UMEA, Schoo,l of Dentistry Sweden.
Second Congress of the EAPD
June 18-21 1994, Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre,
Athens, Greece.
Main Theme:
Update in Paediatric Dentistry ocel Future Trends in the Speciulity
Dental Care of Special Patients
Identifying Children at Risk of Dental Disease
Update on the use of Fluorides in Caries and
Preventive Strategies in Children.
Behaviour Management of the Uncooperative Child in the Dental Offec
Education and Training in Paediatric Dentistry for Europe
- Strategies for the Future
For Details write or telephone to:
Ass. Prof. Constantine Oulis
University of Athens, Dental School,
Dept. of Paediatric Dentistry,
2 Thivon Street,115 27 Athens, Greece.
Tel: +30-1-6856420. Fax: +30-1-6479263.
4th International Conference on Dental Trauma
1993 June 10-12 London
For further details contact:
International Conference I.A.D.T.
Dept Paediatric Dentistry, Kings College School of Dentistry,
Caldecot Road, London, England SE5 9RW
Fax (0)71-326-3185
Newsletter Editor:
Dr Maxine Pollard
Asst. Editors:
Dr Sue Hickson Dr Jack Toumba