NEWSLETTER Number Two 1994
Congress 94, Athens, Greece
Membership Target
Notice of General Assembly
Our "family" keeps on growing. As we start 1994 it is very pleasing to know that we now have well over 225 members and new applications come in every month. For an organization that is as yet only three years old, and less than two years after the first Congress, we have grown rapidly.
Our next target should be three hundred members and we should plan to achieve this by the third Congress in 1996, but at the same time we need to aim for a broader national representation. At the moment three nationalities predominate, Greek, Swedish and British. Other countries are all represented but only in relatively small numbers. Î recruitment drive on extending membership to specialist Paediatric Dentists in the less well represented countries of Europe is required. This is necessary to ensure that we remain representative of Europe as we negotiate with the various government bodies and agencies for the recognition of the speciality.
Guidelines for Specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry continues to be a major item at the top of our agenda. The Education Committee is currently drawing up draft guidelines which will be presented to the membership for discussion at the workshop at the upcoming Congress in Athens. It is important that all members with views or experience on the subject should contact the Chairman of the Education Committee or any member to make their views known.
CONGRESS 94, Athens, Greece
Two years ago the Greek branch of EAPD started the organization of the Second Congress. The task was not easy because there was no history of any previous clinical congresses. Despite a period of doubt and scepticism about the likely success we pressed on with the support of our organizing committee and members of Council.
Our purpose was two fold: first to have an effective organizing committee with a strong scientific and social program. Secondly we aimed to establish a format the EAPD could follow. Îll the hard work of the organizing committee seems, at the time of writing in February, to have been successful. The high numbers of abstracts that have been submitted, including several from well known and respected researchers and clinicians, is very gratifying. In addition the abstracts are from Paediatic Dentists from all over the world and indicates the growing international recognition for our Academy. To date there have been 131 abstracts submitted and it is obvious that the Scientific Committee will have a difficult task to review and accept the best of them.
Regarding the rest of the program, there will be some excellent speakers in the two panel discussions dealing with "Prevention Strategies" (generously supported by Xyrofin), and "Behaviour Management". The social program will be varied combining Greek hospitality with the beauties of the Greek land. We will be most happy to offer you our assistance from the time you decide to come to the Congress until your departure. We have arranged a special travel package with Olympic Airways that includes discount airfares, priority bookings and a welcome desk at Athens airport together with free transportation to your hotel.
We believe that this Congress will solidify the Academy's principles and set a further foundation for Paediatric Dentistry in Europe for the year 2000 and beyond.
Therefore, come and join us in Athens in June (18-21) and we promise you will have a most memorable meeting.
Constantine Îulis
The membership target of 200 members by the end of 1993 was achieved by November. At the time of writing this report there are 225 members.
The distribution of members by category of membership is as follows:
Honorary 4
Active 170
Associate 24
Student 28
We have a growing number of student members, but these are grouped in Belgium, England, and Spain. Any dentist who is registered as a postgraduate student on a Paediatric Dentistry training program is eligible for student membership. Îll that is required is a letter from the director of the program confirming that the applicant is a registered student. There is no subscription for a student member and they receive a copy of any newsletters.
On completion of a two-year full time training program student members may transfer to Active membership on request and submission of a copy of the training program certificate.
Associate membership is available to other dentists within Europe who are not exclusively working within the speciality and to all other Paediatric Dentists outside of Europe. Associate members receive copies of all newsletters, and they can attend all meetings of the EAPD. They pay half the full membership subscription.
Application forms for membership are available from the Secretary or from the Counsellors for each country.
Î General Assembly of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry will be held on Tuesday June 21st, 1994, in association with the Congress of the Academy. The draft Agenda will be as follows:
1. Welcome
2. Members attending
Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the previous meeting
Matters arising
4. President's statement
5. Secretary's report, membership report
6. Treasurer's report
7. Future Congresses: reports
1996 Bruges (Belgium)
Sites of future Congresses
8. Election of Officers President Elect Secretary Treasurer Chairman and members of
Constitution (2)
Credentials and Ethics (2)
Policy and Procedures
Scientific Program
Nominations (2)
Research (5)
9. Installation of President
10. Any Other Business
Minutes of the General Assembly held οn March 7th, 1992 in Noordwijwekerhout, The Netherlands.
1. The President called the meeting to order. He welcomed all those attending to the first general Assembly at the first Congress of the Academy. It was a successful meeting with over 60 members present.
2. Apologies for absence. There were no apologies for absence.
3. Constitution. The President reported that a draft Constitution had been drown up and circulated to the members. Because it was a draft Constitution the Academy was functioning in an interesting situation because no Constitution was in place. The President therefore, called for approval of the draft Constitution. This was approved.
4. Change to the Constitution. Having approved the draft Constitution the President called on Professor Hoskuldsson who requested the assembly to approve a minor change to the draft Constitution. It had been discussed and approved by Council that there should be an additional officer "Co-President" who was the member responsible for organising the next Congress. On a show of hands the Assembly approved this and Prof Oulis was approved as Co-President for the next Congress.
5. Election of Officers. The nominations for officers were:
President: Professor Îartin Curzοη
President Elect: Professor Goran Koch
Secretary: Prof Curzon
There being no other candidates these were elected.
6. Committees. The recommendations of Council, under the Constitution for chairmanship and members of the Committees were presented. After a call for nominations for the elected members the following members of the committees were approved:
Constitution: Prof. Hoskuldson (Chair), Dr Daly (Eire), Dr Îrav (France), Dr Boj (Spain), Dr Vanderas (Greece).
Education: Prof. Martens (Chair), Prof Koch (Sweden), Dr Scheer (UÎ), Dr Îlaluusua (Finland), Prof Papagianoulis (Greece), Dr Frankenmolen (Netherlands).