NEWSLETTER Number One October 1992

NEWSLETTER Number One October 1992


Message from the President

General Assemply

Future Congresses

Future Newsletters

Honorary Membership


Education Committee Report


Message from the President.

Congress 92 

The first Congress of the EAPD was financially very successful and as a result we have been able to invest in the software for desk-top publishing.  This means that we can now produce a newsletter for all the members.  This is therefore officially number one and the intention is to produce four newsletters a year.  It will include items of interest for members, announcements, and preliminary notices of meetings involving Paediatric Dentistry. 


A total of 149 delegates attended the first EAPD Scientific and Clinical Congress at Leewenhorst in the Netherlands.  The quality of the scientific presentations was high and it is planned that all papers will be published at a later date, probably in the journal Canes Research.  All manuscripts have been forwarded to the Editor of Canes Research and are now being reviewed and prepared for publication.  The financial success of the Congress has meant that we are able to publish all of the scientific proceedings in full. 

Martin Curzon


General Assembly 


 The General Assembly was attended by 65 Active members of the The Academy.  A draft of the Constitution was approved, but further improvements are needed.  A committee under the Chairmanship of Professor Hosskuldson was given the task of preparing a final Constitution by the time of the next Congress. 


Other matters considered were the confirmation of a Credentials Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr Îœorand.  It was felt that the Academy was too new to have a Research Committee, but that this would need to be reconsidered at the next Congress.  Members were notified that Council had suggested that the post of Co-President be created and this would be held by the member of the Academy who was appointed to organize the next Congress.  This was approved by the membership and Professor Oulis (Athens) was nominated as Co-President (1992-94) 


The Council nominated Professor Curzon as President for the next two years and Professor Koch as President Elect.  The post of Secretary would continue to be held by Professor Curzon but the function of Treasurer who be carried out by Dr. Roberts. These nominations were confirmed by the membership. 


Future Congresses 


The next Congress of the Academy will be held in 1994 in Athens with a tentative date of April 10 to 12.  The theme of the 1994 Congress will be Clinical Paediatric Dentistry, with a day devoted to the care of a specific group of children who are medically compromised.  Featured speakers will present an up to date view of the condition in a morning session, to be followed by members' free papers, in the afternoon. 


Details of the 1994 Congress can be obtained 



Professor C. Oulis 

22, Kodrou Street, 15231, Halandri, Greece





Future Newsletters 


  If a newsletter is to be issued four times a year material is needed to fill it.  Items of interest to members, announcements of meetings or details of training programs and postgraduate courses will be welcome.  Any such material should be sent to Martin Curzon, at the address on the bottom of this newsletter.  There is no official Editor although if anybody wished to take over the task they would be very welcome!  The next issue will be sent in January 1993 so material is required by December. Membership 


On September 1st there were 65 Active, 6 Associate and 12 Student members of The Academy.  A further 31 Paediatric dentists have applied for membership and their applications will be considered by the Credentials Committee at its next meeting in October.  An application for membership has now been designed and copies will be sent to each Counselor as part of our recruiting program.  Our target is to have at least 200 Active members. 





Honorary Membership 


 At the meeting of Council at the first Congress it was proposed, and subsequently approved by the members, that Honorary Membership should be given to distinguished, retired, members of the specialty in recognition of their contribution to the dental care of children. 


We are honoured that Professor Emeritus Arvid Syrrist (Trelleborg, Sweden) has agreed to become The Academy's first Honoray Member. Committee Memberships. 









Chairman  Prof. O. Hosskuldson (Iceland), 

Dr. D. Daly (Eire), 

Dr. J. Boj (Spain)

Dr. L. Araν (France)

Dr. A. Vanderas (Greece 




Chairman Dr. Ε. Ben-Ζur (Switzerland)

Dr. J-Μ. Morand (France),

Dr. A-L. Hallonsten (Sweden)

Prof  Ν. Kouvelas (Greece) 




Chairman  Prof. L. Martens (Belgium), 

Prof G. Koch (Sweden)

Dr. Î’. Scheer (England)

Dr. S. Alalusuua (Finland)

Prof. L. Papagianoulis(GÏ„eece)

Dr. F. Frankenmolen (Netherlands)

Dr. G. Dahlloff (Sweden) 



Education Committee Report


In order to obtain more detailed information about training programs in paediatric dentistry in Europe a survey by questionnaire was sent to all dental schools. Answers were received from 35: Belgium (2), France (2), Greece (1), Italy (1) Norway (2), Spain (2) Sweden (5) Switzerland (1) Netherlands (2) and United Kingdom (12). From a preliminary evaluat­ion it was found that there is no uniformity of training programs. A detailed report on existing programs and their content, and recommendations as to future developments will be a goal of the commit­tee. An application is being made for an Erasmus grant to support a meeting of teachers in paediatric dentistry from all countries of Europe in order to produce guidelines for training programs. 



E.A.PD. Newsletter. 


Published by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. Professor M.E.J. Curzon. (Editor). 


Address for correspondence:

Depaιtment of Paediatric Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute

Clarendon Way, Leeds, England, LS2 9LU.

Tel: (0)532-336137 Fax (0)S32-336140