NEWSLETTER Number One 1994
Membership Target
Minutes of the General Assembly held in Athens
ATHENS CONGRESS - AÎ OUTSTANDING SUCCESS. Without doubt the Athens Congress was an outstanding success with 347 delegates from 28 countries from around the world. The scientific programme was of high quality with major sessions on Behavioural Management and Preventive Dentistry. There were finally 125 abstracts of oral presentations and posters. This was far greater than expected and very encouraging for the future of the Academy. For an organization that is only four years old to be able to attract so many good papers and speakers bodes well for the future.
Under the beautiful blue skies and brilliant sunshine of a Greek summer, the social events gave everybody a sample of hospitality with food and wine to remember our visit to Greece. Our thanks go to Constantine Oulis and his band of dedicated organizers for all their efforts in creating a splendid Congress. Now we must look forward to 1996 and Bruges. Already the planning is on hand under the direction of the new Co-President, Luc Martens. Later in the year we will announce in a future Newsletter the scientific themes for the Bruges Congress so that all members can plan ahead. While two years may seem to be a long time it will pass very quickly. Clinical research and study takes time to plan and it is not too soon to think about 1996. We hope that the attendance in Bruges will be even bigger - so lets plan for 400.
At the General Assembly in Athens the tremendous pioneer work for the Academy by Martin Curzon was gratefully recognized, by the presentation of a silver plaque. This was to express the Academy's thanks for Martin's Presidency during these first years. Without his skillful leadership, enthusiasm and belief in Paediatric Dentistry, the Academy would never have existed. Thank you Martin. The board and the Academy are very happy that you will also in the future continue working with the Academy.
The main issues for the next two years will be to stabilize the Academy concerning memberships and educational profile. Co-operation with the American, Canadian and the Australian/New Zealand Academies of Paediatric Dentistry will be established. Over the years to come the number of member countries in the European Community will increase. This means that a proposal for general acceptance of Paediatric Dentistry as a specialty within the EC will be essential. The support of all members will be crucial to this and any ideas or suggestions on this important issue will be most welcome - do not hesitate to contact someone on the board.
Goran Koch
The membership target of 200 members by the end of 1993 was achieved by November. At the time of writing this report there are 244 members and a further 26 applications in the pipeline. We are setting a target of 300 members by the end of 1994.
We have a growing number of student members, but these are presently: only in Belgium, England, Sweden and Spain. Any dentist who is registered as a postgraduate student on a Paediatric Dentistry training program is eligible for student membership. All that is required is a letter from the director of the program confirming that the applicant is a registered student. There is no subscription for a student member and they receive a copy of any newsletters.
On completion of a two-year full time training program student members may transfer to Active membership on request and submission of a copy of the training program certificate.
1. The President welcomed all those present and announced that the attendance at the Congress was 347 members, delegates and guests.
2. Apologies for absence had been received from Dr Morand.
3. Minutes of the previous General Assembly had been circulated in a Newsletter to all members of the Academy and the President asked for comments or amendments. There were no changes requested and the minutes were passed.
4. President's statement. Professor Curzon said it was most pleasing to see so many members and delegates at the Athens Congress. The large number of abstracts submitted (140) had been surprising and most welcome. Of these abstracts 125 had been accepted providing 48 oral presentations and 77 posters. This was an excellent effort for a young organization, which equaled that achieved by many much older European dental societies. Such success does not come without a great deal of hard work and the President particularly wished to thank all those members of the Council and organizing committee in Athens for all their efforts over the past two years. The continuing success of the Academy was in no small measure due to the efforts of these people.
5. Secretary's Report. It was reported that since the first Congress membership had increased from 65 to 244 of whom 176 were Active members. Four Newsletters had been issued in 1993 and there would be at least two in 1994. The Secretary requested that for the Newsletter to continue there had to be enough material to publish and asked all members to help in this. It was hope to start printing the Newsletter with the first issue in 1995. For this articles, photographs and newsworthy items should be sent to the Editor.
6. Treasurer's Report. There were now two bank accounts with Barclays Bank held by the Academy. The majority of subscriptions were paid into an international account, held in Barclays Bank, of the Academy and were paid in Sterling by the subscriptions of the UK members. This account was presently in balance at £1,100.00 after secretarial and Newsletter expenses of £2,530.00. The international account presently had ECU 11,500. This meant that the present financial state of the Academy was sound.
7. Future Congresses:
1996 Bruges (Belgium)
This was confirmed for the dates of June 8-11th. The Co-President and organizer of the Congress will be Professor Luc Martens. In future Newsletters details of the Congress would be published.
1998 No site had yet been confirmed and Council was presently considering several sites.
8. Election of Officers.
President: Professor Goran Koch (elected 1992) The following Officers were nominated and elected by the members present:
President elect: Professor Constantine Oulis.
Co-President: Professor Luc Martens
Secretary: Professor Martin Curzon
Treasurer: Dr John Roberts
9. Installation of The President
Professor Curzon handed over the Presidency to Professor Koch. In doing so he announced that a "Presidential Gavel" had been made from various types of wood collected from throughout Europe. This gavel, together with a box (to be made) represented the coming together of Paediatric Dentists throughout Europe to further the dental care of children. Professor Koch thanked the Members for electing him President and he looked forward to working on behalf of the Academy over the next two years. On behalf of the Academy he presented a silver plaque to Professor Curzon in recognition of his efforts as President.10. Any Other Business. Prof. Hoskuldsson, of the Constitution Committee, brought to the attention of the Assemby the latest draft of the Consitution. This was presented as a Provisional draft as it was clear that further improvements would be needed in the light of experience. He wished to obtain approval, from the members, for an immediate modifIcation of Paragraph 3, Section2 (Membership) to allow the Credentials Committee to consider applications, in exceptional circumstances, after June 1994 from those without a two year training program.
This was approved by all members by a show of hands.
A further modification was that all existing Professors and Heads of Departments of Paediatric Dentistry be Active members if they apply for membership in the Academy. This was approved subject to a proper processing by the Credentials Committee.
The Newsletter is now well established and our aim is to produce four copies a year but also to improve it is size and format. We plan to switch to a printed, as opposed to photocopied, format in the New Year 1995. However in order to do this and to ensure four good issues a year we need material to publish. We ask all members to send us material such as: current status of Paediatric Dentistry in each country, notices of intemational and national meetings, election of members to oficce, abstracts of papers published, particularly where they are not in English so that we can enable others to know of the work articles of interest, opinion columns concerning the future of Paediatric Dentistry.
Matenal should be sent in English, but do not worry too much about how good the English is as we can modify it ready for publication.
Please send all material either direct to the Editor or to your Counsellor who will forward it to us.
Martin Curzon
Jack Toumba