NEWSLETTER Number Four August 1993
Training Programs & Courses
Future Meetings
Call for Abstracts, EAPD Congress in Athens, June 18-21, 1994
The program for the forthcoming EAPD Congress is well on the way to completion. The Scientific Congress will consist of two special sessions with panel discussions. The sessions will feature international speakers and will take place on Sunday and Monday mornings. The first session will focus on Behavioural Aspects of Management of the Uncoperative Child Patient. This session will consider various behavioural strategies and their use in the dental office. At the same time recent legislation concerning the "Childrens' Charter" and its effect on which technique or techniques we can carry out in practice, will be discussed.
The Monday morning session will focus on Prevention in the Dental Office with a particular emphasis on the use of artificial sweetners as part of a program of dietary advice for caries prone children. Speakers from Europe and North America will feature in these discussions.
A workshop on Tuesday morning will be entitled "Education and Training in Paediatnc Dentistry in Europe". This will discuss the content and quality of existing and proposed programs, compared with guidelines that should exist for our post-graduate programs within Europe. Representatives of all countnes will be invited to attend in order to discuss and hopefully finalise a set of such gaidelines for future use.
Free papers will be presented each afternoon as well as posters. Papers in any research, clinical or technical aspect of Paediatric Dentistry will be welcome with particular reference to - Aesthetic Dentistry, Special Patients, Paediatric Oncology, Preventive Orthodontics, Trauma, Behaviour Managemnt, Periodontology in Children and Preventive Dentistry.
Those wishing to present papers or posters in any of the above topics should submit an abstract. Details of the format and mode of submission are given on pages 5 and 6 of this Newsletter. Congress information and registration details will be available in September. All abstracts presented will be refereed for inclusion in the program. The deadline for abstracts will be February 1st 1994. A notice of acceptance will be sent in March. For scientific conespondance and information please call, fax or write to:
Ass Prof. Constantine Oulis
Dept Paediatnc Dentistry,
University of Athens, Dental School,
2, Thivon Street, 115 27 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30-1-6856-420/1 Fax: +30-1-6479-263
An exciting social program is being planned starting with a welcome reception on Saturday evening. The Congress Banquet is planned for Monday night and will be very much a Greek hospitality evening featuring local dishes and Greek music and dancing. Sunday night will be free for delegates to enjoy and explore the night life of Athens.
There will also be a program for accompanying persons, including sight-seeing and cultural tours to museums and exhibitions, visits to sound and light spectaculars, folk dancing and cruises. Pre- and postcongress holiday package-deals will be available for those wishing to see and enjoy more of the secret magic of the Greek Islands.
Martin Curzon
The membership continues to grow very satisfactorily. By the end of July,1993, there were 189 members of the Academy. This included Honorary, Active, Associate and Student members. The membership by country is as follows:
Belgium : 11
Denmark: 10
England: 38
Finland: 3
France: 6
Germany: 1
Greece: 47
Iceland: 3
Ireland: 7
Italy: 1
Netherlands: 11
Norway: 1
Spain: 16
Sweden: 16
Switzerland: 2
Turkey: 1
Wales: 2
We have a growing number of student members, but these are grouped in Belgium, England, and Spain. Any dentist who is registered as a potgraduate student in a Paediatric Dentistry training program is eligible for student membership. All that is required is a letter from the director of the program confirming that the applicant is a registered student. There is no subscription for a student member and they recieve a copy of any newsletters. In completion of a two year full time training program student members may transfer to Active membership on request and submission of a copy af the training program certificate.
Associate membership is available to other dentists within Europe who are not exelusively working within the speciality and to all other Paediatric Dentists outside of Europe. Associate members recieve copies of all newsletters, and they can attend all meetings of the EAPD. They pay half the full membership subscription.
Subscriptions are due from those members who have not yet paid for 1993. The subscription rate is 50 ECU for Active members and 25 ECU for Associate members. Subscriptions are payable either to the Treasurer direct or to the member's Counsellor. Members in the United Kingdon and Ireland should pay directly to the Treasurer in either ECU or its equivalent in Sterling.
Membership subscriptions cover one calender year and are renewable in January of each year. Subscriptions cover the membership activities of the Academy and newsletters for each year. Membership also allows preferential rates of registration at the Congresses of the Academy.
Further details on membership can be obtained from the Secretary (Prof. Martin Curzon) or from the Counsellor of the country where a Paediatric Dentist is practicing. Applications for membership are considered by the Membership committee and confirmed by Council at it's next meeting. However applicants for membersip are included in the Academy's mailing list from the date of application.
Training Programs & Courses
Directory of Programs in Peadiatric Dentistry within Europe
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. Three year program combining specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry and a scientific program leading to a Master of Science degree. Course is available for overeas dentists. Training is in English.
Details: Prof. Goran Dahloff, Karolinska Institute, Alfred Nobels Alle 8, POB 4064, S-141-04, Huddinge, Sweden.
Institute for Postgraduate
Dental Education, Jonkoping. Two and three year clinical and research specialist program leading to diploma as a specialist to practice Pediatric Dentistry. Available for overseas dentists. Teaching is in Swedish and English.
Details: Prof G. Koch, Dept. Paediatric Dentistry, Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education, POB 103 0, S-5 51-11, Jonkoping, Sweden.
SHORT COURSES. Two week theoretical and clinical course in sedation with special emphasis on nitrous oxide sedation. One week theoretical update course in Paediatnc dentistry.
Four year, half time program of clinical and research experience leading to certificate as a Paediatric Dentist. The course is available for overseas dentists but the language of instruction is Flemish. Written material and handouts are in English.
Details: Prof L. Martens, Dept Paediatric Dentistry, Kliniek voor Mond- Tand- en Kaakziekten, Universitair Ziekenhuis, De Pintelaan 185, B -9000, Gent.
United Kingdom:
University of Bristol. Two year clinical and research program leading to the degree of Master of Science. Course is available for overseas students and the language of instruction is English.
Details: Dr P. Crawford, Dept Child Dental Health, University of Bristol, School of Dentistry, Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS 12LY
University of Leeds. Two year clinical and research program, with ac optional third clinical year, leading to the degree of Master of Dental Science. The course is available for overseas steedents and the language of instruction is English. .
Details: Prof. M.E.J. Curzon, Dept Paediatric Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute, Clarendon Way, Leeds, LS2 9LU.
University of London,
Kings College. One/two year programs with clinical and research training leading to the degree of Master of Science. Available for overseas students for whom the course includes a Diploma. The language of instruction is English.
Details: Dr B Scheer, Dept Paediatric Dentisty, Kings College Hospital Dental School, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RW.
Univercity of London
Guys'Hospital. One/two year clinical and research training program leading to the degree of Master of Science. Available for overeas students, language of instruction is English.
Details: Dr G. Roberts, Dept Paediatric Dentistry Floor 22, Guys Tower, Guy's Hospital, London, SE 19RT
*Future Newsletters will continue to feature notices of training programs and short courses. Please send details to the Editor.
Future Meetings
1994 June 18-21, Athens, Greece
1996 Spring, Gent, Belgium
1998 Spring, Barcelona, Spain
1994 May 26-31, Orlando, FL
1993 Oct 14-17 Chicago, IL, USA
1995 June 9-11 Goteborg, Sweden
Nordic Pedodontic Society
1993 Reykavik, Iceland
British Society for
Paediatric Dentistry
1993 Sept 10-11, Cambridge, England
1994 April 15-16, Antrim, N Ireland
1994 Sept 16-17, York, England
World Congress on
Preventive Dentistry
1993 Sept 3-6 Umea, Sweden
Second Congress of the EAPD
June 18-21 1994, Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre,
Athens, Greece.
Main Theme:
Update in Paediatric Dentistry - Future Trends in the Specialty
Dental Care of Special Patients
Identifying Children at Risk of Dental Disease
Update on the use of Fluorides in Caries and
Preventive Strategies in Children.
Behaviour Management of the Uncooperative Child in the Dental Offec
Education and Training in Paediatric Dentistry for Europe
- Strategies for the Future
For Details write or telephone to:
Ass. Prof. Constantine Oulis
University of Athens, Dental School,
Dept. of Paediatric Dentistry,
2 Thivon Street,115 27 Athens, Greece.
Tel: +30-1-6856420. Fax: +30-1-6479263.
4th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry
September 3rd to 5th, Idun Congress Center, Umea, Sweden.
Under the auspices of WHO and IADR. This congress will encourage discussions in the conditions for application of disease preventive programs. What trends in prevention can we profit from? Scientific abstracts are invited for oral or poster presentations in problems related to the prevention of oral disease. Details are available from:
WCPD '93
Dept of Pedodontics, niversity of Umea S-
90187 UMEA, Schoo,l of Dentistry Sweden.
British Society For Peadiatric Dentistry
Scientific and Annual General Meeting Churchill College
Cambridge. 10-11, September,1993
For details:
Meeting Secretariat 42, Devonshire Road, Cambridge, England, CBl 2BL
Tel: (0)223-323437, Fax: (0)223-460396
"Conference on Changing Patterns
of Oral Health in Europe"
This meeting will review the dental problems of migrants and minorities, including children. June 25-27,1994, Cork, Ireland.
Dr S.A. Williams, Dept. Child Dental Health, Leeds Dental Institute
Clarendon Way, Leeds, England, LS2 9LU
Call For Abstracts
EAPD Congress in Athens, June 18-21, 1994
Participants who wish to present papers as oral or poster presentations at the Second Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry are requested to submit a typewritten abstract. Papers are requested under the following headings:
Behaviour Mangement
Aesthetic Dentistry
Preventive Orthodontics
Oro-facial Trauma
Preventive Dentistry
Paediatric Periodontology
Special Needs
Diagnosis of Children at Risk
Paediatric Oncology
The author(s) should indicate their preference as to whether they wish to present the paper as an oral presentation or as a poster. However all abstracts submitted will be assessed by a scientific committee who will acceptlreject abstracts and have a final decision as to the mode of presentation. Abstracts will be assessed for scientific and clinical merit. Authors should note that the number of oral presentations possible will be limited. Submission of an abstract carries with it an obligation to present the paper at the time and mode decided.
DEADLINE for abstracts is February 1st,1994.
Notice of acceptance will be sent by the end of March,1994.
Instructions for the Preparation of Abstracts
The style to be used will be that for IADR. It is important that authors carefully read and follow the format preparation information to complete their abstracts. Abstracts not properly presented will not be reviewed and will be rejected. All abstracts must be submitted in the official language of the Congress which is English. The subject of the abstract should be original and should not have been published by the time of the Congress. Please prepare the abstract carefully to ensure it will be reviewed. The Organizers of the Congress cannot enter into conespondance with authors, and the decision of the Scientific Review Committee is final.
FORMAT: The abstract must be typed within the confines of a box 18 cm wide by 11 cm high. Please use a piece of plain A4 white paper and only the abstract should appear in this peice of paper. The type should be of sufficient size to be easily reproduced when printing the abstract booklet. Ideally the type should be 10 characters per 25 mm and 6 lines per 25 mm. Abstracts typed to too small a format for reproduction will not be accepted.
TITLE: should be limited to 10 words, and should give an indication of the content of the work. The title should appear before the list of authors within the box outlined.
AUTHOR: List each author's name with first and middle initial, last name in capital letters, as the index will be based on this information. Titles and degrees should not be used. The presenting author should be designated with an *. The name(s) of the institution(s) should follow the authors' names. Adresses may be abbreviated. Asterisk only one author per abstract.
CONTENT: The content of the abstract should cover the objectives of the study, methods used, results (including data and statistics) and conclusions. Conclusions should be underlined. If supported by a grant this should be indicated.
ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Will be in English and will last for 12 minutes and 3 minutes for discussion. All presentations must be completed within the time allotted.
POSTERS: Authors will be provided with a poster board. Material must be written in English and be easily read from a distance of 1-2 meters. There should be a panel indicating the title, authors and institutions. Details of the type of board and methods of fixing the poster with the board will be given with the acceptance. There should be a photograph of the presenting author.
Newsletter Editor:
Dr Maxine Pollard
Asst. Editors:
Dr Sue Hickson Dr Jack Toumba