

Bylaws of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry Approved in 4th of July, 2020

Table of Contents

CHAPTER I: MEMBERSHIP...........................................................................1

Section 1. Categories:..........................................................................................................1

Section 2. Eligibility: ............................................................................................................1

A. ACTIVE: ....................................................................................................................................1

B. ASSOCIATE:..............................................................................................................................1

C. INTERNATIONAL: .....................................................................................................................2

D. STUDENT:.................................................................................................................................2

E. RETIRED: ..................................................................................................................................2

F. HONORARY:.............................................................................................................................2

Section 3. Duties and Privileges: .........................................................................................3

A. ACTIVE: ....................................................................................................................................3

B. ASSOCIATE:..............................................................................................................................3

C. INTERNATIONAL: .....................................................................................................................3

D. STUDENT:.................................................................................................................................3

E. RETIRED: ..................................................................................................................................4

F. HONORARY:.............................................................................................................................4

Section 4. Procedure for application: .................................................................................4

A. Application for membership:...................................................................................................4

B. Application review:..................................................................................................................4

Section 5. Non-Payment of Membership Subscription and Payment of Re-joining Fee:....................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II: LOCAL ORGANISATIONS .................................................................5

Section 1. Organisation:......................................................................................................5

Section 2. Purpose:..............................................................................................................5

Section 3. Duties: ................................................................................................................5

Section 4. Membership: ......................................................................................................6

Section 5. Procedure for application: .................................................................................6


Section 1. Preamble concerning the biennial Congress:.....................................................6

Section 2. Venue and Dates of a Congress:.........................................................................6

Section 3. General Condition’s of a Congress: ....................................................................7

Procedure for selecting a country/city to host a Congress.............................................................8

Evaluation of the application to host a Congress...........................................................................9

Section 4. Notice of a Congress:..........................................................................................9

Section 5. Scientific Programme of a Congress: .................................................................9

Section 6. Publicity and Deadlines of a Congress: ..............................................................9

Announcement of a Congress.........................................................................................................9

Timing of Abstracts for a Congress...............................................................................................10

Opening Ceremony of a Congress.................................................................................................10

Closing ceremony of a Congress...................................................................................................10

Section 7. Preamble concerning Interim Seminars:..........................................................11

Section 8. Venue and Dates of an Interim Seminar:.........................................................11 ii

Section 9. General Conditions of an Interim Seminar: .....................................................12

Procedure for application to host an Interim Seminar.................................................................13

Evaluation of application to host an Interim Seminar..................................................................14

Section 10. Notice of an Interim Seminar:..........................................................................14

Section 11. Chair of an Interim Seminar and Chair of the Local Organising Committee of Interim Seminar: .......................................................................14

Section 12. Topics and Structure of an Interim Seminar: ...................................................15

Section 13. Publicity and Deadlines of an Interim Seminar:...............................................15

Announcement of an Interim Seminar .........................................................................................15

Timing of Abstracts for an Interim Seminar..................................................................................16

CHAPTER IV: GENERAL ASSEMBLY...............................................................16

Section 1. Definition:.........................................................................................................16

Section 2. Sessions: ...........................................................................................................16

Section 3. Notice: ..............................................................................................................16

Section 4. Special sessions: ...............................................................................................17

Section 5. Voting and elections:........................................................................................17

Section 6. Order of business: ............................................................................................17

Section 7. Quorum: ...........................................................................................................18

CHAPTER V: BOARD ...................................................................................18

Section 1. Composition: ....................................................................................................18

Section 2. Nominations for Elective positions: .................................................................18

Section 3. Appointive positions:........................................................................................18

Editor of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry:.............................................................18

Web Editor:...................................................................................................................................18

Section 4. Election:............................................................................................................18

Section 5. Term of Office: .................................................................................................18

Section 6. Installation:.......................................................................................................19

Section 7. Vacancies:.........................................................................................................19

Section 8. Duties of the Board: .........................................................................................19

Section 9. Duties of Board members: ...............................................................................20

A. PRESIDENT:............................................................................................................................20

B. PRESIDENT-ELECT: .................................................................................................................21

C. PAST-PRESIDENT:...................................................................................................................21

D. SECRETARY:............................................................................................................................22

E. TREASURER:...........................................................................................................................22

F. EDITOR:..................................................................................................................................22

G. WEB EDITOR: .........................................................................................................................23

Section 10. Sessions: ...........................................................................................................23

Extraordinary Board Meeting .......................................................................................................23

Section 11. Attendance at meetings:..................................................................................23

Section 12. Quorum: ...........................................................................................................23

Section 13. Voting: ..............................................................................................................23

Section 14. Action by majority consent: .............................................................................23

CHAPTER VI: COUNCIL.................................................................................24 iii

Section 1. Composition: ....................................................................................................24

Section 2. Local organisations' councillors: ......................................................................24

Section 3. Qualifications:...................................................................................................24

Section 4. Term of Office: .................................................................................................24

Section 5. Election:............................................................................................................24

Section 6. Vacancies:.........................................................................................................24

Section 7. Duties: ..............................................................................................................24

Section 8. Sessions: ...........................................................................................................25

Extraordinary Council Meeting .....................................................................................................25

Section 9. Attendance:......................................................................................................25

Section 10. Quorum: ...........................................................................................................25

Section 11. Voting: ..............................................................................................................25

Section 12. Action by majority consent: .............................................................................25

CHAPTER VII: COMMITTEES .........................................................................26

Section 1. Names of Committees:.....................................................................................26

Section 2. Committee appointments:...............................................................................26

Section 3. Provisional committees and subcommittees:..................................................26

Section 4. Consultants and advisors: ................................................................................26

Section 5. Co-chairs:..........................................................................................................27

Section 6. Ex-officio members of committees:.................................................................27

Section 7. Meeting attendance:........................................................................................27

Section 8. Compositions and duties:.................................................................................27

A. Conference Committees........................................................................................................27

a) Future Congresses and Seminars Committee: .................................................................27

b) Scientific Committee of a Congress or Seminar...............................................................28

c) Local Organising Committee of a Congress or Seminar...................................................28

Î’. CLINICAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE:............................................................................................29

C. CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE:................................................................................................29

EDUCATION COMMITTEE:.............................................................................................................30

D. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE:...................................................................................................30

E. BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE:....................................................................................31

F. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: ................................................................................................31

G. OTHER COMMITTEES:............................................................................................................32

CHAPTER VIII: FINANCES ...............................................................................32

Section 1. Dues:.................................................................................................................32

Section 2. Additional dues: ...............................................................................................32

Section 3. Delinquency:.....................................................................................................32

Section 4. Fees: .................................................................................................................32

Section 5. Budget: .............................................................................................................33

Section 6. Audit: ................................................................................................................33

Section 7. Payments:.........................................................................................................33

Section 8. Power of the Board and Council to borrow money: ........................................33

Section 9. Indemnification of officers, board and councillors, agents and representatives: ...............................................................................................33

CHAPTER IX: ELECTIONS..............................................................................33 iv

Section 1. Time:.................................................................................................................33

Section 2. Nominations:....................................................................................................34

Section 3. Tellers: ..............................................................................................................34

Section 4. Voting: ..............................................................................................................34


Section 1. Mission: ............................................................................................................35

Section 2. Code of ethics and professional conduct:........................................................35

Section 3. Pledge:..............................................................................................................35

CHAPTER XI: Official EAPD publications......................................................35

CHAPTER XII: Amendment of Bylaws...........................................................36

CHAPTER XIII: Rules of Order........................................................................36

CHAPTER XIV: Adoption ................................................................................36 1


Section 1. Categories: There shall be six (6) categories of membership of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD): Active, Associate, International, Student, Retired and Honorary.

Section 2. Eligibility:

A. ACTIVE: An ethical dentist may be considered for Active membership provided the applicant is currently working within the European region as defined by the World Health Organisation ( and is a member of, and maintains membership in, a national dental association in the European region and should satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

1. Has qualified according to the curriculum guidelines for education and training in paediatric dentistry of EAPD (Int J Paediatr Dent 1997:7:4:273-81).

The chairperson/head of the postgraduate programme must provide the following information for the applicant to submit:

ï‚· Proof that the Department operates as an autonomous unit or in conjunction with an undergraduate programme in a Dental School.

ï‚· A detailed description of a complete postgraduate programme of 3 years’ duration (courses – hours etc.).

ï‚· A list of faculty members (names, positions, – specialty status) assigned for teaching on the under and/or postgraduate programme.

ï‚· A confirmation letter from the Dean of the Dental School or Head of a hospital based advanced education programme on the existence and operation of the programme under the above circumstances.

ï‚· A copy of the original certificate that was awarded upon graduation to the specialist who is applying for membership of EAPD.

2. Is in a full-time academic post with continuous clinical activity in a University Department of Paediatric Dentistry within the European region.

3. Is already registered as a specialist paediatric dentist on a state specialist register list of his/her own country in the European region.

B. ASSOCIATE: An ethical dentist may be considered for Associate membership provided the applicant is currently working within the European region as defined by the World Health Organization and is a member of, and maintains membership in a national dental association in the European region and should satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

1. The individual practices in the area of Paediatric Dentistry but the dentist’s postgraduate education does not meet the educational requirements for Active membership of EAPD. 

2. The individual’s primary concern and activity is in an area of education, research or practice related to Paediatric Dentistry.

C. INTERNATIONAL: An ethical dentist may be considered for International membership if practising paediatric dentistry outside the European region as defined by World Health Organization and otherwise would satisfy the conditions for Active or Associate Membership.

D. STUDENT: This category of membership is available, upon formal application by a dentist enrolled in a full or part-time educational programme in Paediatric Dentistry that complies with the EAPD postgraduate programme requirements. The applicant must submit a letter from his/her Head of Department confirming his/her status as a postgraduate student on a training programme in Paediatric Dentistry. The maximum length of student membership is 3 years. Afterwards, the membership should be upgraded to one of the three status (Active, Associate, International) based on the credentials of the applicant.

E. RETIRED: Retired membership shall, upon application, be available to:

1. Active or Associate members who have retired from dental practice, administration, research and/or teaching, with the stipulation that the member has been either an Active or Associate dues-paying member for the calendar year in which application for Retired membership is made.

2. Retired membership is not available to members who have formally retired but who continue to be engaged in part-time practice or employed in a dental administrative, research or teaching capacity on a full-time or part-time basis for which significant remuneration is received. If a Retired member resumes practice or teaching with significant remuneration, it shall be incumbent upon that member to notify the EAPD for reinstatement to the former category of membership.

F. HONORARY: Individuals may be nominated for Honorary membership. The Credentials Committee may elect Honorary members for exceptional and outstanding contributions to Paediatric Dentistry, following nomination by an Active member, who shall submit a recommendation to the above committee substantiating evidence of the nominee’s qualification for such membership. The unanimous recommendation of the Credentials Committee and approval of the Board and Council shall be required for consideration for election. An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present, eligible to vote and voting at any session of the General Assembly shall be required for final approval.

Section 3. Duties and Privileges:

A. ACTIVE: Privileges of Active members shall be to:

1. Vote on all issues brought before the General Assembly

2. Hold elective office and serve on committees

3. Attend congresses, seminars and workshops of the EAPD at reduced member rates

4. Receive copies of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and have access to members-only parts of the website

B. ASSOCIATE: Privileges of Associate members shall be to:

1. Serve as consultants to committees, but not vote or hold elective office

2. Attend congresses, seminars and workshops of the EAPD at reduced member rates

3. Receive copies of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and have access to members-only parts of the website

C. INTERNATIONAL: Privileges of International members shall be to:

1. Serve as consultants to committees, but not vote or hold elective office

2. Attend congresses, seminars and workshops of the EAPD at reduced member rates

3. Receive copies of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and have access to members-only parts of the website

D. STUDENT: Privileges of Student members shall be to:

1. Serve as consultants to committees, but not vote or hold office

2. Attend congresses, seminars and workshops of the EAPD at reduced member rates

3. Have access to members-only parts of the website and receive electronic copies of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry at a subscription fee determined by the Board and Council

4. Be eligible to apply for Active membership immediately following satisfactory completion of a postgraduate specialty education programme Privileges of Student members will terminate on the date of completion of the individual’s advanced educational programme or three years after their registration as student members.

E. RETIRED: Privileges of Retired members shall be to:

1. Serve as consultants to committees, but not vote or hold elective office

2. Attend congresses, seminars and workshops of the EAPD at reduced member rates

3. Have access to members-only parts of the website and receive copies of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry at a subscription fee determined by the Board and Council.

F. HONORARY: Honorary members shall have the same privileges as Active members, except the right to vote or hold elective office.

Section 4. Procedure for application:

A. Application for membership: Applications for all categories of membership of the Academy shall be submitted to the Secretary of EAPD Board electronically together with documentation as outlined on the EAPD website in such form as the EAPD (Board and Council) may designate.

B. Application review:

1. The Secretary of EAPD Board and the Credentials Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all applications for membership.

2. Upon receipt of an application for membership, the Secretary shall review the applicant's qualifications to assure that they conform to the respective requirements for a category of membership – Active, Associate, International, Student, Retired or Honorary. In unclear applications, then the Credentials Committee will review the case. Upon approval of the Credentials Committee and completion of all stipulated requirements, the applicant shall become a member in the appropriate category. The Secretary of EAPD Board and the Chair of the Credentials Committee may also seek advice and a decision from the EAPD Board in cases where it may be difficult to determine membership status of an applicant.

Section 5. Non-Payment of Membership Subscription and Payment of Re-joining Fee A member who does not pay the annual membership fee will be classified as a former member (Chapter VIII: Finances, Section 3: Delinquency). A former member will be removed from the mailing list of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, will no longer have access to members-only parts of the EAPD website and will not be entitled to reduced registration fees for congresses, interim seminars or other meetings of EAPD. A former member who wishes to 5 rejoin the EAPD will pay an additional re-joining fee, as established by the Board and Council, in addition to the membership fee for the current year.


Section 1. Organisation: A local organisation shall represent those members of the EAPD within a country in the European region as defined by the World Health Organization and shall be responsible for promoting the aims of the EAPD within that country. A local group with at least five (5) Active members will be responsible for the election of a Council member to represent their views to the Council of EAPD. Only Active members who are in good standing in relation to payment of membership fees may stand for election or vote in an election to select an Active member to represent their country as a Council member. Any local organisation in a country with less than 5 Active members or in a country that is not in the European region may ask the EAPD President to grant that country the privilege of allowing a representative member to attend the EAPD Council meetings as an observing Councillor status without voting rights.

Section 2. Purpose: A local organisation shall be formed to: a. Disseminate information and public relation materials through the EAPD; b. Facilitate interchange between other component organisations and the EAPD; c. Provide educational opportunities for the members; d. Elect a Councillor and a local committee in a democratic manner; e. Should a Councillor be elected as a member of the EAPD Board then this person must resign from the position as Councillor. Another Councillor must be elected by the local organisation. It is also advised that a Councillor should not become a member or should not retain membership of any EAPD committees, other than one of the Conference Committees, during his/her term of office as a Councillor.

Section 3. Duties: A local organisation shall: A. Hold meetings at least annually; B. Consider candidates from their country for nomination for elective positions on committees of the EAPD and/or on the Board of the EAPD. The councillor should inform the Chair of the Nominations Committee of these nominations at least 6 months before a General Assembly or when the call for nominations is announced by the EAPD Board; C. Provide for its own financial support, as needed. 

Section 4. Membership: Voting members of a local organisation shall meet the eligibility requirements for Active membership of EAPD in good standing.

Section 5. Procedure for application: An application for local organisation status shall be submitted to the EAPD Secretary. Following review of the application by the Board and Council, local organisation status may be granted.


Section 1. Preamble concerning the biennial Congress: The biennial Congress is the major scientific meeting of the EAPD. All scientific content and discourse at the Congress (presentations, posters, podium discussions, etc.) should be supported, where feasible, by evidence-based information and recognised standards of good clinical practice. Congresses are preferably held in the months of June or July unless there are circumstances requiring a different date. In these cases the Board should agree with the new date. The official language of the Congress is English.

Section 2. Venue and Dates of a Congress: Every country in the European region that wishes to host and organise a Congress should submit to the FCSC via its Councillor, a folder, DVD or other electronic information device giving all the relevant information regarding the organisation and details of the future congress including the following:

1. A proposed city within the country where the Congress will take place; 2. Direct or indirect access by air from all European countries; 3. Names, facilities and prices of hotels and of a convention centre, which will accommodate the Congress and the participants; 4. The approximate number of participants that it is estimated will attend the Congress; 5. Events and social programmes for delegates and accompanying persons; 6. Proposed dates for the Congress - preferably a weekend in June or early July, unless otherwise decided by the Board and Council after relevant proposal of change directed to it by the hosting country;

Section 3. General Condition’s of a Congress: The biennial Congress of EAPD is organised in the host country under the following regulations: a. Following the decision for the location of the Congress, an agreement is signed between the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) and the Professional Conference Organiser, while the Chair of the Local Organising Committee of the Congress (LOC) has knowledge of the agreement on organisational and scientific matters and also undersigns it. b. As the Congress is an official EAPD event, the President of EAPD is the President of the Congress and the EAPD Board coordinates the event. c. The LOC agrees to follow all directions given to them regarding the scientific, logistic and financial structure of the Congress, considering the local economical and infrastructural conditions. d. The Chair of the LOC, who should be an Active member in good standing, collaborates with the President of the Congress, the EAPD Board and the PCO, in organising the Congress in the host country, with the Board of EAPD giving the final approval. e. The Congress has an organising and a scientific committee. Composition and duties of those committees are described below in

Chapter VII: Section 8 of these Bylaws. f. Any Pre-Congress symposium/s should not exceed one day in duration. The extent of the main scientific programme of the Congress should be three days, including a weekend day, ending in the early afternoon of Saturday. g. The use of the name and brand rights of EAPD by the local organisers will be allowed only for the specific Congress. A “Congress logo” referring to the place where the Congress is held may be used in addition to the EAPD logo, provided that the EAPD logo is given more prominence when they are both used on any Congress material (papers, programme, etc); h. EAPD members data handling should be carried out based on the European regulations regarding GDPR i. All EAPD members must have an equal opportunity to enter the country in order to attend the Congress. j. There shall not be any restriction, discrimination or discomfort directed to any EAPD members or other delegates attending the Congress; k. The registration fee should be kept as low as reasonably possible and consistent with the fees of other Congresses of the same size and style held in the same country, by other international organisations. Reduced registration fees for certain categories of delegates, as outlined below in this section, re-arranged by the LOC with the advice of the EAPD Board. l. Any violation of the agreement creating damage to the reputation of EAPD may result in the cancellation of the right of the Local Organising Committee and the PCO to host the Congress and/or leads subsequently to the relocation of the Congress following a decision of the EAPD Board. 8 m. There should be six categories of registration fees: (1) active/associate EAPD member, (2) non-member, (3) EAPD student member/retired member, 4) EAPD Paediatric dentist in a PhD programme (5) accompanying person, (6) exhibitor/sponsor staff member. Registration for the first four categories of delegates {(1) active/associate member, (2) non-member, (3) student member/retired member, (4) Paediatric dentist in a PhD programme} should include the following: i. Full attendance at the main programmes of the Congress; ii. Admission to the opening ceremony, welcome reception and the closing ceremony iii. All coffee and lunch breaks; Registration for the other two categories of delegates {(5) accompanying persons and (6) exhibitor/sponsor staff members} should include the following: i. Admission to the opening ceremony, welcome reception and closing ceremony ii. Admission to the exhibitor/sponsor area (only for exhibitor/sponsor staff members) iii. Lunches and coffee breaks for exhibitor/sponsor staff members may be charged at a fee arranged between local organisers and exhibitor/sponsor companies. Procedure for selecting a country/city to host a Congress Following an announcement/call by the Board of EAPD on the website and in the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry for submission of bids to host a future Congress, any local organisation of EAPD willing to organise a Congress in their country should apply through its Councillor to the Secretary of the EAPD Board. The application including all items mentioned above should be submitted at least three (3) months before the next Council meeting. On receipt of the bid, the Secretary of the Board of EAPD will forward the application to the Future Congress and Seminar Committee (FCSC). The FCSC will evaluate the bid and provided that all requirements to organise a Congress are fulfilled (see duties of FCSC in Chapter VII: Committees), will interview delegates of the local EAPD organisation who made the bid. The chair of the FCSC will then send a report of the committee’s decision concerning the bid to the Board of EAPD which makes the final proposal to the Council. The Secretary of the Board of EAPD will send the proposal of the Board to Council prior to the next Council meeting. The Council will discuss if the Board’s proposal will be approved. It is a policy of the EAPD that the Congresses and Interim Seminars a) are organised on a sequential geographical distribution across Europe (North, South, East and West European) with a minimum of 10 years between events from the same country, b) have the support of the local EAPD group and/or Paediatric Dentistry Society of the country c) assist the promotion of Paediatric Dentistry in the host county and d) consider the suggestions of the FCSC and the central PCO regarding the locally available facilities required for a successful event. 9 Evaluation of the application to host a Congress The Future Congress and Seminar Committee (FCSC) members will receive all applications (Folders) from the EAPD Secretary and review each application concerning the following aspects: host city and venue, hotels, proposed dates of the Congress, travel information, chair of the local organising committee, support letter by the local organisation of EAPD and if possible the national paediatric dentistry society of the hosting country, potential topics, and if possible statement from the local EAPD organisation to organise the Congress. If necessary, site visits to the venue of a potential future Congress may be arranged by the local organising committee for evaluation of the overall facilities. The Chair of the FCSC shall invite the delegates of the LOC, at least two months prior to the next Council meeting, to present their bid to members of the FCSC. A video conference or similar electronic communication system may be suitable for this presentation. If a site visit is required, it will be accomplished by an EAPD Board member and a FCSC member. Expenses will be covered by EAPD. Based on the information received by the LOC, the FCSC will discuss and make their final proposal to the Board. Section 4. Notice of a Congress: Announcements concerning the biennial Congress will be posted on the EAPD website, in the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and in social media, while Council members will be informed regularly at Council meetings. Section 5. Scientific Programme of a Congress: The EAPD Board will liaise closely with the Local Organising Committee of the Congress (LOC) and the EAPD Editor-in-Chief concerning the scientific programme of the Congress. Formal correspondence to the invited speakers of the main scientific programmes should be carried out by the EAPD President and President of the Congress, while any other correspondence related to a Congress shall be carried out by the LOC. Each of the 3 days of the Congress commences with a Symposium on one of the three selected scientific topics that include 3 speakers at each symposium chaired by the EAPD President-Elect, President and Past-President. Section 6. Publicity and Deadlines of a Congress: Announcement of a Congress • First announcement: Two (2) years in advance of Congress- at the closing ceremony of the previous biennial Congress • To all EAPD Councillors at Council meeting 2 years in advance of next biennial Congress • Congress Programme in electronic form: minimum of twelve (12) months in advance of Congress to all EAPD members via Website (EAPD and congress), in European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and social media. • Contents of the Congress programme at twelve (12) months prior to the Congress: Welcome address by President and Chair of the Local Organising Committee of Congress, schedule of events, announcement of main topics, names of invited speakers 10 at each of 3 main symposia and chairpersons of each symposium, information on Congress centre and facilities. The Congress programme may be sent electronically by the Local Organising Committee to the Secretary of EAPD Board who will distribute it respectively by email to all EAPD members. The website of the local organisers of the Congress should be linked to the EAPD Website at least one year before the Congress. Timing of Abstracts for a Congress • All abstracts shall be submitted electronically through the EAPD Congress website following specific criteria. The Scientific Committee of the Congress will then allocate the reviewers of the submitted abstracts and the judges of the awards applicants within senior members of the Academy. • The deadline for receipt of submitted abstracts should be four (4) months prior to the Congress. • The outcomes of acceptance/rejection of abstracts will be electronically transmitted to the submitting (presenting) author by the PCO before the deadline for early bird registration for the authors. Further details for the presentation will be also sent by the PCO at least 4 weeks prior to the Congress. • The Scientific Committee of the Congress together with the LOC and PCO will prepare the programme of poster / oral sessions. Opening Ceremony of a Congress The Agenda of the Opening Ceremony should include: • Welcome of delegates and any official or honoured guests by the Chair of the Local Organising Committee of Congress; • Calling of the President of EAPD by the Chair of the Local Organising Committee of Congress; • Introduction by the President of EAPD and welcoming address; • Presentation by the Chair of the LOCC of any scheduled entertainment or invited Keynote Lecture, or any other opening performance; • Official Opening of the Congress by the President of EAPD, or by an invited state official (Minister, Mayor, etc). Closing ceremony of a Congress • Opening remarks and thanks by the Chair of the LOCC to the delegates.  Introduction and thanks to the members of the LOC;  Calling of the President of EAPD. • Closing remarks by the President of EAPD  Introduction and thanks to the EAPD Scientific Committee of Congress;  Review of Congress, appraisal and thanks to the Chair and the members of the Local Organising Committee of Congress;  Presentation of EAPD awards to the winners by the EAPD Secretary  Presentation of new Honorary members by the EAPD President 11  EAPD President introduces and welcomes incoming President;  Awarding of certificate or plate to the outgoing President of EAPD and any other Board member, given by the EAPD Secretary;  Installation of President Elect as the new President of EAPD. • Remarks by the new President of EAPD  Proposed course of the EAPD for the next 2 years;  Priorities and pending tasks;  Announcement and short presentation of the next Congress by the Chair of the LOC • Closure of the Congress by the outgoing President of EAPD.

Section 7. Preamble concerning Interim Seminars: The Interim Seminar is an independent scientific meeting of the EAPD that is organised in the interim year between congresses and the main purpose is to develop clinical guidelines in any field of paediatric dentistry. All scientific content and discourse at the Interim Seminar (workshop, presentations, posters, podiums discussions etc.) should be supported, where feasible, by evidence-based information and recognised standards of good clinical practice. Interim Seminars are preferably held in the months of April or May unless there are circumstances requiring a different date. In these cases the Board should agree with the new date. The official language of the seminar is English.

Section 8. Venue and Dates of an Interim Seminar: Every country in the European region as defined by the World Health Organisation that wishes to host and organise an Interim Seminar should submit to the Board via its Councillor, a complete folder, DVD or other electronic information device giving all the relevant information regarding the organisation and details of the future Interim Seminar including the following: • A proposed city within the country where the Interim Seminar will take place. • Direct or indirect access by air from all European countries. • Names, facilities and prices of the hotels and of the venue which will accommodate the Interim Seminar and the participants. • The approximate number of participants estimated to attend the Interim Seminar. • Events and social programmes, if any, for delegates and accompanying persons. • Proposed dates for the Interim Seminar of 1.5 days duration, including a weekend day, preferably in April or early May, unless otherwise decided by the Board and Council following relevant proposal by the hosting country. • Supporting letter by the local organisation of EAPD or the local Society of Paediatric Dentistry of the hosting country. 12

Section 9. General Conditions of an Interim Seminar: As in Congresses, the biennial Interim Seminar Congress of EAPD is organised in the host country under the following regulations: a. Following the decision for the location of the Seminar, an agreement is signed between the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) and the Professional Conference Organiser, while the Chair of the Local Organising Committee of EAPD Interim Seminar (LOC) has knowledge of the agreement on organisational and scientific matters and also undersigns it. b. As the Seminar is an official EAPD event, the President of EAPD is the President of the Seminar and the EAPD Board coordinates the event. c. The LOC agrees to follow all directions given by EAPD regarding the scientific, logistic and financial structure of the Congress, considering the local economical and infrastructural conditions. d. The Chair of the LOC, who should be an active EAPD member in good standing, collaborates with the EAPD Board and the PCO in organising the Interim Seminar in the host country, with the Board of EAPD giving the final approval. e. The Board of EAPD, the Chair of the Clinical Affairs Committee and the Editor of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry will liaise with the Chair of LOC in relation to the scientific content of the Seminar. f. The total extent of the scientific programme of the Seminar should not be longer than two days (usually 1.5 days), including a weekend day. g. A “Seminar logo” referring to the particular place where the Seminar is held can be used in addition to the EAPD logo, provided that the EAPD logo is given more prominence when they are both used on any Seminar material (papers, posters, programme, etc). h. Advertisements, other than commercial, on any official document of the Seminar should have the approval of the EAPD Board. i. All EAPD members must have an equal opportunity to enter the country in order to participate in the Seminar. The local organising committee gives a statement with the bid that there will be free and unimpeded access to the host country and seminar by all members of EAPD. j. There shall not be any restriction, discrimination or discomfort directed to any EAPD members or other delegates attending the EAPD’s seminars. k. The Councillor of each country recommends to the Chair of the Clinical Affairs Committee (CAC) 1 or 2 experts from his/her country depending on the number of the registered delegates for the country and preferably EAPD members, to participate in each workshop. The Chair of the Clinical Affairs Committee will select the experts to be invited to attend and participate in the workshops in collaboration with the Board. The Chair of CAC will also collaborate with the Chair of LOC to make the necessary arrangements for the workshops. 13 l. The registration fee should be kept as low as reasonably possible, and consistent with the fees of other seminars and meetings of the same size, length and style held in the hosting country. m. The registration fees should be for seven categories: (1) active/associate member, (2) expert who maybe a member or a non-member of EAPD nominated by a Councillor or by the Chair of CAC, (3) non-member delegate, (4) student member/retired member, 5) Paediatric dentist in a PhD programme, (6) accompanying person, (7) exhibitor/sponsor staff member. n. Registration for the first five categories of delegates {(1) active/associate member, (2) expert who maybe a member or a non-member of EAPD nominated by a Councillor or by the Chair of the CAC, (3) non-member delegate, (4) student member/retired member, 5) Paediatric dentist in a PhD programme} should include the following : i. Registration for the whole programme of the Seminar except for workshops that participation is limited to invited experts; ii. All coffee and lunch breaks; • Registration for the other two categories of delegates {(6) accompanying person, (7) exhibitor/sponsor staff member} should include the following: i. Attendance at evening functions/meals charged at standard fee for such events; ii. Lunches and coffee breaks for exhibitor/sponsor staff members may be charged at a fee arranged between local organisers and exhibitor/sponsor companies. Procedure for application to host an Interim Seminar Following an announcement/call by the Board of EAPD on the website and in the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry for submission of bids to host a future Seminar, any local organisation of EAPD willing to organise a Seminar in their country should apply through its Councillor to the Secretary of the EAPD Board. The application should be submitted at least four (4) months before the next Council meeting expressing the intention of the local organisation to organise the Seminar, along with as much information as possible regarding the appropriateness of the place, prior experience, and facilities available to insure the organisation of a successful Seminar. On receipt of the bid the Secretary of the Board of EAPD will forward the application to the Future Congress and Seminar Committee (FCSC), an executive committee of EAPD. The FCSC will evaluate the bid and provided that all requirements to organise a Seminar are fulfilled (see duties of FCSC in Chapter VII: Committees), will interview delegates of the local EAPD organisation who made the bid. The chair of FCSC will then send a report of the committee’s decision concerning the bid to the Board of EAPD. The Secretary of the Board of EAPD will send a copy of the FCSC’s report to Council members at least 4 weeks before the next Council meeting when bids to host future Seminars will be discussed and decisions made on where to host future Seminars. The Board and Council of EAPD shall decide, after evaluation by the FCSC, the sites for future Seminars at least four (4) years ahead of the planned Seminars. It is a policy of the EAPD that the Congresses and Interim 14 Seminars a) are based on suitable bids, b) are organised on a sequential geographical distribution across Europe (North, South, East and West European) with a minimum of 10 years between events from the same country, c) have the support of the local EAPD group and/or Paediatric Dentistry Society of the country and d) consider the suggestions of the FCSC and the central PCO regarding the locally available facilities required for a successful event. Seminars of EAPD shall be awarded to local organisations via their elected representatives (Councillors). The Councillor of the host country and the local organisation of EAPD are entitled to propose either the Councillor or another active member of EAPD in good standing as Chair of the Local Organising Committee (LOC). Evaluation of application to host an Interim Seminar The Future Congress and Seminar Committee (FCSC) members will receive all applications (Folders) from the EAPD Secretary and review each application concerning the following aspects: host city and venue, hotels, proposed dates of the Seminar, travel information, chair of the local organising committee, professional organising company, potential topic for guideline development and statement from the local EAPD organisation of their wish to organise the Seminar. If a site visit is required, it will be accomplished by an EAPD board member and a FCSC member. Expenses will be covered by EAPD. The Chair of the FCSC shall invite the delegates of the local EAPD organisation, at least eight weeks prior to the next Council meeting, to present their bid to host a future Seminar. A video conference or similar electronic communication system may be suitable for this presentation and assessment process. Based on the written application and on the presentation, the FCSC will determine if in their opinion all the required standards to host a Seminar are met. The FCSC makes a recommendation to the EAPD Board, which decides about the location of the next seminar and sends the proposal for final approval at the next Council meeting.

Section 10. Notice of an Interim Seminar: Announcements concerning an interim Seminar will be posted on the EAPD website and in the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, and Council members will be informed at Council meetings.

Section 11. Chair of an Interim Seminar and Chair of the Local Organising Committee of Interim Seminar: Every interim Seminar is a meeting of EAPD members and the President of EAPD is the Chair of the Interim Seminar. The Chair of the LOC will be an Active member of the EAPD in good standing who has been proposed by the LOC and approved by the EAPD Board. 15

Section 12. Topics and Structure of an Interim Seminar: The topic of the interim Seminar should be selected at least two years before the seminar. The Board of EAPD should receive a proposal from the Clinical Affairs Committee 3 months prior to the Board meeting at which a decision will be made on the topic for the Interim Seminar that will take place in 2 years’ time. The local organisers may also propose a topic for the Interim Seminar to be considered by the Board. The EAPD Board in cooperation with the Chair of the Clinical Affairs Committee select leading experts (usually 3) to be invited to develop systematic reviews and give presentations as the basis for the workshops and the development of a written guideline on the selected topic. Following the identification of the experts/speakers, the Secretary and the Chair of CAC will send the invitation letter to the speakers and their teams summarising their role and responsibilities for the seminar. Two members of the CAC will be allocated for each workshop and introduced to the team. The invited systematic reviews should be sent by the chair of the CAC to the EAPD Secretary who will send them to the workshop participants at least 6 weeks before the Interim Seminar. Members of the reviewing groups should be preferably EAPD members. Any additional updated guidelines associated with the main topic and event, are the responsibility of the chief person allocated by the EAPD Board. The Board of EAPD decides also for any parallel lectures and sessions proposed by the Chair of the LOCIS. Poster sessions and relevant awards competition have also become a custom of any Interim Seminar. The selected leading experts will have a financial support by the EAPD Board in order to fulfil their task.

Section 13. Publicity and Deadlines of an Interim Seminar: Announcement of an Interim Seminar • Announcements concerning the Interim Seminar can start immediately following the previous Seminar, on the EAPD website, in the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and in social media, while Council members will be informed regularly at Council meetings. Also, emails announcing the Interim Seminar should be sent to all EAPD members by the EAPD Secretary. • Programme (electronic form) and opening of Registration: minimum nine (9) months in advance of the Interim Seminar. Contents of the Programme (electronic form): Welcome address by EAPD President and Chair of the Local Organising Committee of Interim Seminar, schedule of events, announcement of themes of workshops, names of invited speakers at each of 3 main symposia and workshops, names of speakers at parallel session to workshops, information on venue and facilities. The programme may be sent electronically by the Local Organising Committee of Interim Seminar to the Secretary of EAPD Board who shall ask the Web Editor to send electronically to members of EAPD, to dental schools in Europe, to 16 other academies, societies and associations of paediatric dentistry internationally. • Immediately following the closure of the preceding Congress, the website of the local organisers of the interim Seminar should be linked to the EAPD website. Timing of Abstracts for an Interim Seminar • Abstracts for consideration for poster presentations during the Interim Seminar should be submitted electronically through the EAPD website following specific criteria. On receipt of the abstracts by the stated deadline, they will be sent to members of the EAPD Scientific Committee of Interim Seminar, who will organise refereeing of submitted abstracts by senior EAPD members. • The deadline for receipt of submitted abstracts for poster presentations should be four (4) months in advance of the Interim Seminar. • The outcomes of acceptance/rejection of abstracts will be electronically transmitted to the submitting (presenting) author before the deadline for ea